Visioni di donna
Visioni di donna is a journey through the works of different artists who have investigated the image and the female portrait to express their own vision of themselves and the world.
According to Hegel, individual conscience is intimately linked to the perception of the other. The Thought, the profound essence of each of us, is a mirror of the world, the result of dialectical interactions with society and the external environment. However, the essence of existence is elusive - Heidegger would say. If we imagine our conscience as a mirror of reality we must imagine it as distorted, contradictory, changeable, moved by the flow of time, elusive to any definition.
This is how the portraits of Jolanda Spagno are: impalpable and changeable, distorted by the movement of light and of the observer. From the flow of images, which are different from time to time, a dynamic perception of identity arises. We enter a surreal, dreamlike perceptual dimension.
In this underworld - a sort of parallel dimension - we find creatures of the unconscious: the images of Vanessa Longo. Her figures are in dynamic equilibrium, they dance or float on fields of color that are emotions, moods. Images of oneself in which a thin copper leaf is an armor that defines and protects one's inner fragility.
Ramona Zordini's works take shape in the struggle and dynamics of the bodies emerging from the water. The relationship between emerged and submerged still brings us back to that border area between inside and outside, above and below, color and shape. Ramona Zordini's Changing Time series provides us with a further interpretation: the flow of time, the sound of water, life is energy and change.
This is also Seung Hwan Oh's investigation: mutation and chaos as a representation of life. Starting from the portrait, the natural forces - the bacteria - generate new, uncontrolled, ineluctable forms. What defines us is the impermanence of our existence, the energy and life force in a Buddhist vision of the continuous cycle of existence and rebirth.
The comparison with others is fundamental for the formation of a mature conscience. What defines me, according to Hegel, is the interaction between different ways of feeling and thinking. Conflict with the other generates a deeper self-awareness.
Katerina Belkina lives the conflict deeply. Her image is contrast, her vision of the woman is both strength and lightness. Divers who let themselves fall into the composed and perfect gesture of a dip in the light. Femininity that faces the structures of Soviet power in a gesture that is an image of athletic perfection, pride and discipline of the nation, affirmation of the social identity of women and the claim of rights and freedom.
The signs and traces on the faces of women portrayed by César Meneghetti are profound. Identities forged by life and women who are the the drivers of change in the destiny of their land. Women who bear the burden of religious and social changes and find the strength of their rebirth.
This, therefore, is a journey into perception (Jolanda Spagno), into the unconscious (Vanessa Longo), into change (Ramona Zordini), into life (Seung Hwan Oh), into strength (Katerina Belkina), into history (César Meneghetti) of women.
It is, above all, the encounter with different visions of the human being through portraits, bodies and faces of women.