9 Settembre 2013Instead of producing logical pieces, I prefer going to the emotional side. That kills the coldness and rigidness of digital creations. My wish is to be able to create, with... -
Candas Sisman - INTERVISTA A NOHLAB (DigiCult)
1 Dicembre 2019Lo studio di design Nohlab è stato fondato nel 2011 da Deniz Kader e Candaş Şişman, in seguito a un’amicizia storica trasformatasi in una collaborazione creativa. Lo studio, con sede... -
Candas Sisman - BAK Magazine
1 Agosto 2012Quest will never end. As a person who likes to express his inner thoughts and who thinks that producing something is as crucial as breathing, I can easily say that... -
Artist Candas Sisman reinvents reality by shifting the way we think about digital data
9 Settembre 2013We recently stumbled across the work of digital artist Candas Sisman and were smitten by his ability to enliven physical matter with digital life in order to arrive at what... -
Artfridge interview: Candas Sisman
4 Gennaio 2014Mine Kaplangi: You are an artist working with paint, as well as with light, sound and digital systems. How do you evaluate the significance of new technologies in contemporary art?... -
IPOcle warps reality inside a shipping container with layered luminescence
22 Aprile 2014S ituated within the confines of a disused shipping container, ‘I/P/O-cle’ by istanbul-based artist candaş şişman is an installation which simulates the viewer into perceiving a warped reality. toying with... -
Flux by Candas Sisman
30 Novembre 2010Ilhan Koman was considered an artist as much as he was a Scientist, he developed an innovative style that fused both disciplines together to create his works making him 'a...
Candas Sisman
A focus on Istanbul's bustling contemporary art scene 10 Ottobre 2014
The "Nerdworkers" of IstanbulThe visual arts scene in Istanbul has taken off over the past 10 years. Nikki Bedi meets three of the coolest and most surprising of these young artists on the... -
Rendezvous with digital artist Candas Sisman
TRT World (Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu) 27 Dicembre 2018Candas Sisman is a multi-disciplinary artist who creates graphics that breathe life into digital images by forming depth on electronic screens. Rendezvous is a series of short portraits of prominent...